Fort Worth Massage Services

Relaxing Massage
Our name says clincial bodywork but we aim to offer the finest most sought after relaxing spa style massage in Fort Worth. Our "foo foo" massage is not only relaxing but offers many benefits that contribute to well being including managing stress, improving circulation, reducing muscle tension and improving movement and joint flexability. Support your health and well being by scheduling a relaxing massage regularly.
​25/$55 55/$85 85/$115 minutes

Deep Tissue Massage Sports & Medical
Helps with Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Front of Hip Pain, Hip Pain, Back of Knee Pain, IT Band Pain, Outside of Knee Pain, Tennis Elbow, Rotator Cuff, Fusions, Scar Tissue, Structural Issues, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Ulnar Nerve, Stenosis, Muscle Strain/ Pull and much more!
We utilize techniques of Neuromuscular Massage, Myofascial Release, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Nerve Flossing, Cross Fiber Friction and PNF stretch.
Medical Prenatal Massage is offered below.
25/$35 55/$65 85/$95 minutes

Stress Relief Massage
​Do you have: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Stress, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sleep Disorders, increased Alcohol Consumption, increased Caffeine Consumption. These are all conditions that can raise your Cortisol Levels (Stress Hormone), 55 or 85 minute Relaxation Massage can treat and lower symptoms and cortisol levels dramatically. Also recommended in some cases in conjunction with Behavioral Therapy.
25/$55 55/$85 85/$115 minutes

Cupping & Special Services
Active Range of Motion Cupping, Static Cupping and Cup Scraping. Find out how this will stretch your overall Connective Tissue. This service is particular helpful when you feel stuck in your own body.
Cupping uses suction to draw blood to or away from specific areas of your body. People use cupping to relieve conditions that cause pain. Some people experience relief from chronic health issues.
25 minute session / $50
55 minute cupping & massage / $85

Assisted Stretching
Do you have stiffness and pain in your knee Joint, ankle, shoulder, neck, back, hips? Are you a runner or athlete with stretching needs?
Arthritis is also the biggest reason we lose joint mobility over time. Daily stretching or assisted stretching will help counteract those effects.
Static stretching, PNF stretching, Pin and Stretch, Active stretching, Passive Stretching and more available.
55 minute session / $60

TMJ Jaw Pain
Reduce jaw pain and headaches related to the jaw in as little as one session. People with chronic headaches tend to have undiagnosed TMJ issues. We can help. TMJ, or Temporomandibular joint, is a pair of joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull, one on each side of the head in front of the ears. TMJ disorders affect the muscles that control jaw movement, causing pain and dysfunction.
25 minutes / $50

Lymphatic Drainage
Boost your IMMUNITY and reduce excess fluid in the body. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is very light but effective form of massage therapy. Stimulation of the initial lymphatics, helps speed up the removal fluids in your system. Often used to reduce, prenatal and post operative lymphatic drainage, sinus congestion and to speed recovery after workouts, reducing swelling and soreness in minutes. If you have an active illness, please wait until you are recovered before scheduling. If you are pregnant, as with all of our other services, we recommend you wait until your 2nd Trimester to have this service.
Full Body 2 hours / $120
Sinus Drainage 25 minutes / $50 ​​​​

Scar Tissue Skin Scraping / Gua Sha
Gua sha (pronouced "gwa-shah") is an East Asian healing technique. A trained professional uses a small, smooth-edged tool to firmly stroke your skin in one direction improving blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Gua sha is believed to get vital energy "unstuck" and flowing again. Also called coining, skin scraping, or spooning. While gua sha is a fairly new concept in the U.S., it's been used in China for over 2,000 years. It's often used to help treat chronic pain throughout the body. Today, gua sha is also getting noticed for its skin benefits.
25 minute session / $50

Prenatal Massage
Research shows prenatal massage therapy can help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Prenatal massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish Massage. Prenatal massage will involve gentle pressure unlike other massage techniques you would receive when you are not pregnant. Light pressure is key during pregnancy.
We recommend you wait until your 2nd Trimester to have this service.
25/$35 55/$65 85/$95 minutes​​​​