We are announcing a New Signature Service.
Morgan and Kathy are pleased to bring you the 4 hands Massage treatment. This treatment is the ultimate in relaxation. If you have never experienced something like this, we highly encourage you to try it. You will leave feeling more relaxed than you have ever been before.
This service will only be offered on Thursday's between 2-7 and you must call or text to schedule it. The price for this service is ($120.00) for an hour session. The online schedule will not have this service listed. 682-200-9817
New Therapist
We are pleased to announce that we have added Kathy Lewis to our team. She has been a therapist for a couple years now and has back ground (20 years) as a Occupational Therapy Assistant. She is someone who understands injuries and the rehab process very well. Please help us welcome her to the team. Her schedule is now live online. Schedule today.
Tip of the week!
SI Joint Dysfunction is something many of us deal with on a weekly basis.
What is it? At it's basic form, it is just your hips inability to stay in place. Most people will feel a pain or stiffness on one side of the lower back. You may have trouble going from a sitting to standing position. Think of the dimples on your back. Those are your SI Joints. The simple fix......are your ready for it?
STOP crossing your legs when you sit. This small activity of crossing your legs, will keep pulling your hips out of alignment. It is really that simple. Over time your body will adapt.
*If you do this subconsciously and can't stop crossing your legs, odds are your hips are already out of alignment and need to be realigned. For more info come see us. www.hadlcenter.com